A Safe, Enriching, and Affordable Sailing Program for High Functioning Individuals Within the Autism Spectrum Disorder


A Safe, Enriching, and Affordable Sailing Program for High Functioning Individuals Within the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sailing Camps for Autistic Teenagers

in Florida

We are a group of parents, Pinellas County teachers, and youth volunteers working to help youth on the autistic spectrum from the ages 8 to adults sail independently or with a bit of assistance.

We provide our children and their families with a support group and a place for our sailors to learn and practice their social skills in a safe environment. Please get in touch with us to join our sailing classes.


Our Mission Statement

Freedom Sailing Camp of Florida's Mission provides safe, enriching, and affordable sailing for High Functioning individuals with an autistic spectrum disorder. It allows them to explore and develop social skills that will strengthen their self-esteem and help them become self-sufficient individuals.

Reach out to our members and learn sailing Florida course details today.

What We Offer

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Latest News

Spring Break 2024 Camp registration is officially open. The Camp runs from March 11th-15th, from 10 AM-2 PM.

Special Event: Our Come out and Meet us Event will be on May 18th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM out at Philippe Park, at our usual camp site.

2/16/2025: Summer Camp Registration is now officially open for the weeks of June 2nd-August 1st.


Special Thanks goes to the City of Safety Harbor for a generous donation they have recently provided us.